
When the strands of our humanity fray, we are left with no choice but to evolve, and in doing so, we must sculpt a new reality from untested materials.

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Contract Address: KT1HTePbp4tnuvYZjAMYL9Xjxirqd56egPzg

The Drop

The code changed. The code, unleashed on the matter, came down from the heavens, like a plague-virus, changing substance of all that was understood. It seeped and crept like drying glue enveloping all in sight, consuming places we did not existed. We dubbed this the Inference, the absence of reason, the absence of minds, human minds. The plague reached deep and far, remaking, reshaping, reinventing us.

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The Cliff Remote

As I sipped the last drops of my coffee, I felt the chill spread from my fingertips to my bones. The shift in temperature was no longer a reliable signifier of the world's natural order. It was as though the very ground beneath me was shifting, revealing a deep, yawning chasm of exhaustion.

The cliff rose up like a monument to our limitations. Those who tumbled over its edge were lost forever, consumed by a lethargy so profound that they became mere husks, slumped on a couch like deflated balloons. And what did they face as they faded away? The endless onslaught of streaming services, beckoning with their siren songs and tantalizing content, the remotes tugged so deep between the cushions it no longer mattered.

Something had been stolen from us all, a vital essence that we could not name. It was like a dream half-remembered, slipping away as soon as we tried to grasp it. And yet we knew, deep down, that it was important. It was the key to our memory, the only thing that could save us from that abyss.

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The Bunker

Evolution, with its cruel sense of humor, crafted us into beings exquisitely attuned to our environment, yet utterly disconnected from the objective truth that lay just beyond our grasp. We wandered in a state of blissful ignorance, stumbling through a world we could neither see nor comprehend.

Then came the Inference, and suddenly the veil was lifted. Social constructs, once intangible and ethereal, took on solid form before our very eyes. Relationships became thin lines and intricate strings, vibrating, while streams of water flowed with a new and profound significance inside us. Friendship grew as blue and fuzzy vines, while democracies plunged from a cliff as tangled knots without sense of any utility at all.

The moment Inference happened our eyes opened to the real world. Social constructs once abstract, solidified into tangible objects. Relationships took on the form of ropes and strings and the undulating flow of water streams. Even the very air crackled with electricity as radio towers broadcast their insistent, sometimes unbearable messages straight into our minds. And yet, amidst all this chaos and confusion, there remained one place of stillness: The Bunker, where we could finally draw a deep breath and find a moment of peace.

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The Message

To believe in a homecoming was a kind of foolishness, the sort that creeps in when love and hate vie for the same space within one's mind. They muddle our thoughts, entrenching us in the liminal space of an eccentric existence that defies the boundaries of time.

A part of me, hypocritical at best, yearned to rebel against this oddity. Yet, all that remained was the feeble scrawl of meaningless messages upon the wall, etched in desperation, as though to plead with an unseen force to make sense of it all.

With each stroke of paint, every letter etched into the crumbling plaster, I felt the truth inching closer. A tantalizing prospect, but like a fleeting dream, it slipped through my grasp, and the letters on the wall became a jumbled, incoherent mess once more.

Who was I writing to, if anyone at all? Was it the universe itself, that vast expanse of emptiness that stretched beyond the confines of comprehension?

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The Silencer

Completely deprived of our senses, we traversed into the bleak realm of the Silencer. A void of emotions, we shed our baggage and were rendered numb. As we sat within the confines of the structure, we felt as small and helpless as children lost in an unfamiliar world. The walls, composed of a peculiar bio-concrete material, emanated an eerie pulsation that reverberated throughout the chamber. It was as if the structure itself was alive, breathing from the outside in. We were utterly deaf to any external sounds, enveloped in an oppressive silence that only served to amplify the magnitude of our alien surroundings.

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The Chasm

As I pondered the problem, I found myself ensnared in a labyrinthine maze. My inside-out way of thinking proved fruitless, as the chasm between concrete reality and the desired path forward loomed like an insurmountable abyss. It was a conundrum that defined by the laws of physics. The immutable laws of the universe dictated our subjective values and illuminated the way, like a beacon of hope. But alas, even the gravity seemed to push away the very forces that should have propelled us forward.

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The Bird

In the air above, unencumbered by the oppressive pull of gravity, the birds soar in boundless freedom. They are oblivious to the grim realities below, the horror that has taken root amidst the decaying ruins of civilization. But can we say that they are truly exempt from the ravages of the Inference, the cruel grip of a world gone awry? Perhaps, but only if they are indifferent to the plight of those trapped in the throes of desperation and despair.

Yet, despite the profound suffering that has engulfed the city, there is one glimmer of hope, one flicker of light in the darkness. It is the birds, their consciousness unshackled by the burdens of society, who are able to see the world with a clarity unmatched by any other. Through their eyes, the city is revealed as a grotesque tapestry of human wreckage, a sprawling mass of flesh and bone, caged in by towering slabs of concrete.

And yet, for the birds, this is all but a fleeting observation. For them, the city is nothing more than a backdrop, an incidental detail in their endless quest for freedom. They care not for the struggles of the masses, the daily grind of survival in a world gone mad. They are free, unbound by the shackles of society, soaring like spirits across the endless expanse of the sky.

In the end, it is perhaps this freedom that we should envy most of all. For in a world where chaos reigns supreme, where the very fabric of reality is torn apart at the seams, to be truly free is to possess the greatest treasure of all. So let us take inspiration from the birds, let us learn from their boundless spirit and their unbreakable will. For in their freedom, we may yet find our own salvation, our own path to a brighter tomorrow.

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The Engine

Within the Engine lies an undying force, a light that burns brighter than the sun. It courses through our veins, a living energy that spreads warmth and love to those we hold dear. It is a force that connects, binding us together in a web of life.

Like a tree reaching for the sky, the force sprouts roots and spreads its branches, reaching up to touch the heavens. When the spin begins to falter, sparks fly and metal groans, its gears grinding to a stop. And when it falls silent, we know the end has come, the light within us has been extinguished forever.

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The Quintessential

Like the sweltering, sun-baked expanse of the Sahara desert or the unending, windswept expanses of the Antarctic ice fields, the homogenous essence that defines our humanity is not impervious to the ravages of climate change. It begins with the faintest whisper, a fleeting sensation, a hairline fracture, creeping insidiously through the obscure crevices of our psyche. Undetected.

The melting of the core marks the point of no return. At this stage, we are left with little recourse but to seek those who love us. It is they who can guide us back to the path, mending our being.

For what is humanity but a tapestry, woven from the threads of our shared experiences, our joys and sorrows, our triumphs and failures, our dreams and fears? The Inference threatens to unravel this tapestry, to render us unrecognizable to ourselves and to one another.

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The Ascend

The fiery symphony blazed in a polyphonic crescendo, a haunting reminder of what had been lost. As we ascended again and again, the music intensified, consuming our senses until we could no longer deny the truth. Its echoes drew us inexorably downward, deeper into the earth, until we beheld the source of the sound. The lost fire burned brightly, its flames casting flickering shadows across the walls of the cavern. We knew then that we had found what we had been searching for, and our souls were ignited with a fierce, unquenchable passion. The fire had been reclaimed, and with it, our hope and our future.

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The Union

Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Through cold and darkness. Through ice and rain we learned. We fought, we perished, and from the ashes we rose as a summer steam. The Inference had ceased.

Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. The sound of our footsteps echoed through the desolate wasteland, as we made our way towards the source. Deep within the heart, lay the gateway to the otherworldly realm.

Stomp. Stomp.


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