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Contract Address: KT1RezreR8BMTfCw9UEyevt9VnRLiHrcXT2a


Sudden, luminous, treacherous. Many adjectives describe Ombria, yet none portray the dizzying rush of wonder, the bliss running through the spine when you emerge through the swirling mists of Sailwind’s journey. The blow of humid air lingers like a half-remembered dream, just as an afterimage of a giant eggshell sail staring back with an undying bright blue eye.

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Thalassia Bridge

In the misty expanse between Ombria and Ambrion, the Thalassia Bridge stands as a lone sentinel, stretching its ancient spine over a churning sea. It has been whispered that only the bravest would dare to tread upon its creaking panels, as the bridge remained untraveled for many years.

But as the tumultuous tides of time flowed on, the world changed, and the cusp of the last century brought with it a new era of exploration and discovery. The people of Ambrion, once content to live their lives in peaceful seclusion, felt the winds blowing strong and took the daring step of crossing the fabled Thalassia Bridge.

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In the desolate sea, where the horizon stretches endlessly, and the wind whispers of secrets, there lies the city of Kethra. The innocence and death intertwine, where the essence of life is equal fervor. In the heart of the city, there exists a child - an innocence born into a world, a fruit of death amidst the chaos. Yet despite the weight of such a burden, the child remains pure. The child and the city embody the paradox of existence itself, where life and despair coexist in a balance.

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Port of Anarres

As the dark shroud of night recedes, I shall be there to meet you. With the first rays of the rising sun, we will converge at the bustling port of Anarres, nestled on the shores of Kethra. It is here that the day unfolds. It is here where the night loathes. In this place where the sea meets the land, where the wind carries the whispers, and the sun casts its warm embrace, we will bear witness. As we stand on the threshold of this new day, we are filled with a sense of wonder, eager to go.

16x edition artwork on Tezos
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The morning sun had barely begun to rise when we saw Hythria, as if summoned forth by the light. This entity, had a way of appearing out of the ether, as if it were a thing born of mist. For days it would migrate around the coast of Ombria in silence. Through fog and blizzard it would crawl from the inky depths of the sea to loom just a few miles away from the shore. And then it would wait, patiently biding its time until the air thickened with misty fog and the world was shrouded in a veil of mystery. Hythria would make its move. It would splash onto the shore, a thunderous wave of ice and power, searching for new friends to join it in its endless journey. Those who saw it trembled in awe and wonder, unable to comprehend the sheer magnitude of this wondrous being.

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Isthmus of Serenissima

As the sun dipped above the zenith, a breathtaking sight lay before the travelers who approached the Isthmus of Serenissima. The sea, a canvas painted with a stunning array of ships and smaller vessels, all waiting patiently to traverse the narrow passage that separated Ombria from the rest of the world. Even underwater balloons bobbed amidst the waves, adding to the lively scene.

Serenissima was a magnet for all kinds from Ombria and beyond, each drawn by their motivations. It was whispered among the locals that those who entered Ombria via the Serenissima left behind their former selves. As one set foot on the shores, old memories faded away. Past failures and heartbreaks, once so burdensome, no longer held sway over the mind.

For those who sought a fresh start, Serenissima was an endless land. As the travelers gazed upon the glittering sea, they knew that they were about to embark on an adventure, one that would change them in ways they couldn't yet imagine.

18x edition artwork on Tezos
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The storm, the unforgiving storm, the tempestuous heart of Numinor had raged for centuries, an implacable force that dried up anger and resentment of the fiercest Sailwind sailors. But the storm had a price to pay for its power, and so it was tamed to the intrepid few who sought to make pilgrimage to its heart. No sailboat dared to venture into Numinor's maelstrom, so nearby islands were used as makeshift ports of call, and from there, the brave souls come seeking enlightenment took on a grueling week-long trek through the wilds of the storm. It was said that only the strongest, most determined travelers could survive the journey, but for those who made it to the other side, the rewards were beyond measure.

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The Ear of Ambrion

In the depths of the Ambrion, an enigmatic presence endures, a sentinel that heeds every whisper. Yet, it utters not a single word, divulging no secrets. Emanating a mystery, it hovers at the edges, an elusive specter, and remains forever unseen.

The Ear of Ambrion, as it is whispered among the denizens of the sea, possesses a keen perception, listening to the trembling that hum through the undergrowth. Cloaked in shadows, its form unfathomable, remains unattainable. It lingers just beyond the reach, a tantalizing secret, the periphery, tantalizing and evasive.

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Seraphon's Eyrie

Seraphon's Eyrie rose from the heart of the ocean like the twisted fingers of a long-forgotten god. Black stone spires reaching toward the night sky. The ancient, otherworldly structure perched upon a jagged, rocky crag, waves crashing furiously against its impenetrable walls. It stood defiant, a testament to an age long past, and yet it breathed a dark, brooding life all its own.

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Selador's Crossing

In the distance, Selador's Crossing loomed. As the dense fog clung to the sea, the ship emerged from the murky depths like a ghostly apparition. It drew closer and closer. Drums. The deafening drums beating through the ears and dropping rhythmic waves through the skin. It’s the fear. Pure unfiltered fear. Sleek form sliced through the waves with a hypnotic rhythm, devouring everything in its path, piercing through flesh like a hot knife. Their sound echoed through the air again, deafening and primal, pulsating. It’s the sound of fear. The sound of fear.

20x edition artwork on Tezos
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